Admitted Lawyers E&O (CA, CT, MA, NV, PA, WA)
Unlock Premium Protection for California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Washington Attorneys and Law Firms.
A- (Excellent) XV ($2 Billion or greater) Rated Insurer:
- Law firms with their primary offices in California or Washington State
- Limits Up to $2,000,000/$4,000,000
- Deductible Options: Zero ($0) deductible available; loss only deductible available
- Separate Limit for Defense Options: $250,000 or $500,000
- No Minimum Premium - We write part-time firms
- Risk Eligibility
Policy Features:
- Broad Definition of Legal Services: At Synergy, we act on behalf of your organization as a lawyer, arbiter, mediator, expert witness, title agent, notary public, governmental affairs advisor, lobbyist, or member of a bar association. Plus, services are performed as an administrator, conservator, receiver, executor, guardian, trustee, or fiduciary capacity (except as a fiduciary as defined by ERISA). Legal services also include pro bono services.
- Privacy Breach Investigation: Up to $20,000 in attorney’s fees and Network and Privacy Breach up to $25,000 in defense costs.
- Automatic ERP: Two Way, Thirty (30) days (no additional charge).
- ERP Options: Up to unlimited (additional charge), non-practicing ERP (no additional charge), retirement ERP (no additional charge, but conditions apply; talk to your underwriter).
- Independent Contractor and Per Diem Attorney coverage
- Formal Mediation: reduce your deductible by up to 50% up to $12,500 by resolving your dispute through formal mediation 90 days after the suit is filed.
- Subpoena Assistance: subject to a limit of $25,000 per policy period.
- Disciplinary Proceedings: $25,000 per claim / $50,000 aggregate.
- Loss of Earnings: $500 per day for each insured up to a maximum of $10,000 per claim and $50,000 policy aggregate.
- Territory: Worldwide covers services performed anywhere in the world provided claims are made in the USA, its territories, possessions, Puerto Rico, or Canada.